ONE MAY WELL WONDER, “HOW?”—Really? After everything else on this site, this is where you start asking questions? Color me impressed.

But to answer the question—Because he's Paul Bunyan, that's how.

And, now, any answer good enough for Paul Bunyan has to be good enough for you. So, if you would like to drop Paul Bunyan a line you may do so on the form.


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“Paul Bunyan Gets a Bear Hide

Paul Bunyan went a-hunthing,
In his forty-dollar shoes;
He packed a pot of honey,
And some dynamite and fuse,
He rolled himself a very fine pill.
From tar-paper and snus.
When all at once he spied a bear
And—h—ll just busted loose!

He smeared his shoes with honey,
Just to lead the bear along;
A-puffing on his home-made pill
And a-whistling of a song,
He honey-smeared the dynamite
And lit the little fuse
Then laid it gently on the ground
And left it with adieus.

The bear enjoyed the sweetness
'Till the dynamite went “bang”;
Then Paul just skinned him neatly,
(And whistled while he sang),
But, loggers, heed the moral
Of the poor fool bear that died,
And when you hunt for honey,
Why—be careful of your hide.

— Anonymous, “Paul Bunyan Gets a Bear Hide,” American Lumberman, No. 2403, June 4, 1921, Chicago, IL

Paul Bunyan went a-hunthing,
In his forty-dollar shoes;
He packed a pot of honey,
And some dynamite and fuse,
He rolled himself a very fine pill.
From tar-paper and snus.
When all at once he spied a bear
And—h—ll just busted loose!

He smeared his shoes with honey,
Just to lead the bear along;
A-puffing on his home-made pill
And a-whistling of a song,
He honey-smeared the dynamite
And lit the little fuse
Then laid it gently on the ground
And left it with adieus.

The bear enjoyed the sweetness
'Till the dynamite went “bang”;
Then Paul just skinned him neatly,
(And whistled while he sang),
But, loggers, heed the moral
Of the poor fool bear that died,
And when you hunt for honey,
Why—be careful of your hide.

— Anonymous, “Paul Bunyan Gets a Bear Hide,” American Lumberman, No. 2403, June 4, 1921, Chicago, IL

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